Meet Julie Van De Wyngaerde,
Founder & Owner, Write For Her

I’m so glad that you’ve made it here, and I want to share a little about myself, to help you feel comfortable moving onto the next step with me.

You see…I want to help you grow your business, and I know that in order for you to invite me to do that, you need to know who you’re dealing with.

You need to Know, Like and Trust me.

To help you get to know me, I’m going to share about my background, and then from there, it will be up to you to decide if you like and trust me.

…fair enough? đŸ™‚

We May Have More In Common Than You Think!

To begin, I’m an entrepreneur, just like you, building my business online…

…and, I’ve experienced my fair share of challenges.

For the past 20+ years, I’ve been involved in various aspects of sales and marketing, in both working for companies and owning my own businesses. I discovered early on that I’m an entrepreneur at heart, and I found that I didn’t like working for others. You see, I have my own ideas and visions and I wanted to impact the lives of others to make a difference.

Sound familiar?

Like many before me, I’ve attempted a lot of different entrepreneurial endeavors, and experienced a lot of “failures” or better known as “mis-takes “. I believe that these “mis-takes” have made me who I am today, and qualify me to help you. I believe that all the high level education in the world can’t begin to match the growth and learning that we get through our own life experiences.

Through my own growth, I discovered my passion for building effective, nurturing relationships through written and verbal communication. And, I love helping other entrepreneurs do the same.

There was a day when I was afraid to speak up for what I wanted, and the thought of placing value on my services made me cringe. Yet to write effective copy, you need to identify the deepest challenges that your prospects face and communicate how you are their best choice for solving their problems. What better way to do that than by having been there yourself!

I’ve taken my experience in sales and marketing, and combined it with my extensive copywriting and internet marketing education, and thrown in my own personal success with building relationships and learning how to communicate what I want, to arrive at Write For Her. The outcome is that I’m a direct response copywriter and relationship marketing strategist, and the two go hand-in-hand for online success.

In addition, I’m a Master and Health Certified Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a Certified Professional Coach, a Money Breakthrough Method â„¢ Coach, a Certified Facilitator of The Passion Testâ„¢, a Certified Dream Coachâ„¢, a Certified Dream Coach Group Leaderâ„¢, and I hold a B.S. in Nutrition-Dietetics from Arizona State University. I’ve also mentored with some of the top copywriters, internet marketers and mindset leaders in the online industry.

What Does All of This Mean to You?

Chances are, I’ve been where you’re at or have been, and the better I understand you and your challenges, the better I can serve you. Like most entrepreneurs, my purpose includes being in service to others, and that means YOU.

My diverse background of experiences and “mis-takes”, allows me to better help you communicate your unique message, to attract more of your ideal clients and make more money. If you’re not making money, then you’re not in business. Right?

Step into the abundant success that you are here to receive, by scheduling your Complimentary Strategy Session. There is no obligation, and you have lots to gain from our time together. These spots are limited though, so don’t delay. I’d hate for you to wait any longer to get to where you want to go!

Next stop…Strategy Session.